Office & Home spaces.


Research underlines the high degree of time that we spend our lives within our regular workplace or home setting and our propensity to not always surround oursleves with the most convenient or practical items that make this time as easy and enjoyable as it could be - this is just one of the areas where we can help.

Our comfort and design teams have worked tirelessly to create innovative solutions that help improve quality of life and provide solutions for everyday living.

Whether practical items to make those mundane activitives a little less mundane, or a visually stunning piece to raise the evocative emotions and partner you with a smile every time you open the door. 


Travel & Transport solutions.


How we move from place to place is changing - the journey element through travel and transportation plays another role now in modern lifestyles, as there's a growing reluctance to accept the trudge of wasted hours as we tread the well-beaten path for another day.

From digital content to entertainment, enlightenment or soul nourishing investments - the realisation is here that this precious time can be better spent, our innovations can help the light burn brighter.

Customers love these solutions and growing number of creative options that continue to be developed in this space - do you get the most from your time and arrive to your destination with energy and zeal?


Hobbies & Family


Family time and personal time both weigh heavily in importance to living fulfilled and happy lives.  Whichever balance you strive to strike, there is always more we can do to fulfill our aims, reach a little further, develop our skills and grow our sense of family wellbeing.  And thus there will always be solutions that can be provided to aide these most valiant of journeys.

This sector often brings out the most creative of ideas and yields solutions that foster the very best in family engagement and personal down-time.  Oh, and not to forget the unique pets that complete our lives everyday too!

From sailmaking to llama training, to babay safety to tool-sheds - how we all find relaxation and fill our lives with fulfillment, it will remain our unfaltering mission to raise levels of fun and endearment.